+604 763 4468
Whether you are self-employed contractor working independently or a full time employee there are deductions that you can take advantage of in order to minimize your taxes payable and maximize your return.
This service includes consultation as well as assessment of your personal circumstances in an attempt to minimize your taxes payable and maximize your return. In addition, we offer electronic filing services (E-File) to file your personal tax return for faster response time.
We’re committed to doing our part in building a better working world. And we start with the world that matters most to you — your world. Personal taxes are a big part of your everyday life; therefore, strategies and suggestions to help you achieve the following goals are the most important task for us:
We offer a wide range of tax services to non-residents.
Under Canada’s tax system, your income tax obligations to Canada are based on your residency status. You need to know your residency status before you can know what your tax responsibilities and filing requirements to Canada are. An individual’s residency status is determined on a case-by-case basis. We can help you determine your residency status and your filing requirements.
There are specific documentation and certain procedures that we need to follow in order to file a partnership return. In addition, there are certain obligations that partners must comply with during this process.
We can assist you in preparing and filing an accurate return.
All resident corporations (except Crown corporations, Hutterite colonies and registered charities) have to file a corporation income tax (T2) return every tax year even if there is no tax payable. This includes:
Effective estate planning facilitates the orderly transfer of assets to your beneficiaries, provides security for your surviving spouse, and can reduce or eliminate the tax due on the transfer of your business and other assets. For business owners, providing for business continuity and succession of ownership is essential. We can guide you through the complex process of getting your financial affairs in order.
Most GST/HST registrants are required to file their GST/HST returns electronically for all reporting periods that end on or after July 1, 2010.
You must file your GST/HST return and make any payments by your due date. The due date is determined by your reporting period. If you are late filing your GST/HST return, you may face penalties and interest charges on any outstanding balance.
If your business is required to register to collect PST, you must charge and collect PST at the time the tax is payable, unless a specific exemption applies. You report and pay the PST you collect as well as the PST you may owe on items you use in your business.